
Remember this Name: Ben Kjar

“Take yourself outside right now and spank yourself!” That was Ben’s first bit of advice as he told me I need to read the book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki. We laughed for a moment as Ben carried on explaining to me that his dad was a mixture of the rich business savvy dad and the poor highly educated dad as depicted in the book. Ben’s father taught him that the most important part about being successful in life is to “know business and how to create value.”                 Ben’s home life was unlike all his friends. “When we were home, we were working.” He remembers buying his own clothes with the money that he made from doing chores and for getting good grades in school. My favorite story he told me was when he worked as a kid on a golf course owned by his family. He worked alongside a groundskeeper who was in his forties and he remembers thinking that he looked much older. He rem...